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Democrats Almost Succeeded in This One Thing...

“ A king can harness his horses, get in his chariot and the horses will take them where ever he so chooses. A human being won’t do this for the king unless they do so willingly. “

As human beings we were not created to be enslaved by other men and women. We were created with the same opportunity and chances as the next individual, no one is greater or less than the other. So why is there respect of persons among people ? Well, I am sure pride and power play a huge part in that. The Constitution was a great turning point in History, it decided a freedom-based, biblically-valued system of government that eliminated the one thing that God never intended his chosen people to have reign over them…a king. God said in the Book of Samuel that He did not want Israel to have a king reign over them, He wanted to be their King. God also went on to forewarn them that by having a king it would reap great hardships and taxation on them. The reason also Israel wanted a king is so they could “ be like the other nations". Hmm We hear that a lot out of Bernie Sanders do we not? “...time to join the rest of the industrialized world and have single-payer health care for all.“ There is a reason God did not want the Israelis to have a king. Yes, it was because He wanted to be their only King, but also when you concentrate power into the hands of one or a few it breeds power and control.

At some point or another a bad king is going to rise up and undo all the good things of the previous kings. That’s why Socialism, Marxism and Liberal-dominated societies have failed throughout history. The US government was created with checks and balances so one side could never have too much power, and the citizens had a say in how things are run through voting. Also to eliminate targeting large populated majorities with ideologies they made the Electoral College. What I mean by that is 7 million people live in New York City. If we went by a nation-wide popular vote the candidates running for president would target a few heavily populated areas and indoctrinate them to persuade voters and the fate of the country would be contingent on a few specific areas. Which in some measure we already see now, but the Electoral College helps ease some of that burden so everyone has a more equal chance and their votes matter more.

I love the US Constitution, it truly is the second most important document ever written next to The Holy Bible . We have a system of government to erase the rule of a king and put the power into the hands of the people which gives people a more free society. Big government control and anything to promote the government hand into more of our free market principals does two main things. 1 it drives cost up and 2 it almost always fails ! If Democrats had their way we would be under complete Socialist control by government. I am telling you, mark my words, I pray we never live to see the day in this country. However the more and more Democratic agenda is pushed the more freedom we will lose and private rights and will see our economy tank and not recover. They want the economy to tank so they can implement their tyrannical views and policies….. so the moral of the story is this, we are not animals a king can harness his horses and drive them at will. We are not animals we can only be controlled if we willingly submit to a king. Let’s stand up for freedom and fight for what is just and right. Lord help us all amen….

Stephen G. Rochon is the webmaster for Another great conservative website, be sure to check that out. Thanks for the guest post Stephen!

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