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About Cybrdroyd's Funky Labs



Hello and welcome to Cybrdroyd's Funky Labs.  I created this website as a way of sharing with the world the things that move me, the things that drive me, the things that give me a reason to wake up in the morning.  This site is not for everyone.  I know that there will be a significant portion of my visitors that will not love this website.  I have resolved to accept that.  With that in mind, please allow me to share a little bit about myself. 


First and foremost, I am a Christian.  My core values are guided by the Judeo-Christian bible.  I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Judeo-Christian).  I believe He died and rose again on the third day.  I believe He now dwells in heaven and is seated at God's (Judeo-Christian) right hand.  I believe that the only way a person can go to heaven after they die is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ while they still live on the earth, repent of their sin, and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.  Some of you may not love that, and I am okay with it.  I don't expect everyone to agree.  I have learned to tolerate those who may have opinions different than my own.  What I do not tolerate are people who feel the need to shun, shame, ridicule, persecute, imprison, or execute those who may have a different opinion than them, or a different belief system, or a different set of core values than them.  You see, the Bible (Judeo-Christian) teaches us to love one another, even those who hate us.  This is why I choose to be tolerant. 


Secondly, I am a conservative.  I believe in recent years, that definition has changed.  It used to mean that you were a Republican if you said that you were a conservative.  That is no longer necessarily the case.  I have spent a great deal of time paying attention to politics, and I have discovered there is very little difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party.  Sure, they both have their platforms, and they can certainly seem very different, especially during political campaign season.  However, when you peel back the layers, pay attention to the way these politicians vote, the laws that they create, one can easily see that both parties seem to be pitching for the same team.  They really aren't as different as they claim to be. 


I am for less government, less regulation, strong military, and a strong economy.  I believe that our country can only thrive if we have a strong economy, and carry the biggest sticks.  This does not necessarily mean that I believe in having only a few large corporations running the show.  I believe in the small business.  I believe in entrepreneurism.  I believe that having lots of small businesses, and even big businesses, we can have fewer people left unemployed.  I believe the minimum wage laws should be eradicated.  I believe the market will determine the value of a worker.  If the worker does not agree, they are free to go and work for someone else.  The employer will need to pay a fair wage in order to maintain their employment rosters.  With more workers with more money in their pockets, they will spend more on goods and services, thereby allowing more businesses to exist.  It's a symbiant circle.  When liberal politicians choose to spend more of our hard-earned money on foolishness, they choose to tax the people more.  When people are taxed to the point where it becomes pointless to earn their own living, they will turn to the government for a handout.  High taxes kill ambition.  High taxes on business will kill the very reason to be in business, to make a profit.  Therefore the businesses go away, and the whole system breaks down.  Liberals think that higher taxes lead to more revenue.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Studies show that lowering taxes always leads to more income for the government.  Not the other way around.  I am for a system where everyone, including businesses and large corporations, even those on the public dole, should be taxed at the same rate.  Something reasonable like ten percent, or even fifteen percent.  This would ensure our government has enough money for everything it needs.  The other alternative would be a fair tax.  There would be a ten percent, or a fifteen percent tax on all goods and services within the United States.  Our current system is broken, and it needs to be fixed. 


Our nation was formed by men and women who believed in Judeo-Christian values.  Our founding fathers most certainly believed in God, and put those values in our founding documents.  It's in our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our laws, and it's even written in stone on our public buildings and monuments.  There is a movement in this country to destroy that.  Even our own president, Barack Hussein Obama, is trying to say that muslims were part of our early history.  Certainly, that's partially true.  Many of the pirates who attacked our shipping lanes were muslims.  They slaughtered mercilessly.  So yes, in that sense, one can make that argument.  However, none of the founding fathers who penned and signed our founding documents were muslims.  That is a complete distortion of the truth.  Enough about religion and politics. 

I am someone who likes to have fun.  I play video games.  I like to read a lot.  I enjoy science fiction and fantasy books.  I don't just read the Bible (Judeo-Christian) like people think I should.  I like sports.  I enjoy cycling, running, hiking, and softball.  I love movies and tv shows.  I like photography, although it's more of a hobby than an actual skill.  Finally I like to write.  Hopefully, as you may learn from reading my website, you might agree that I write well.  If not, then that is okay too.  I enjoy doing what I am doing, even if you don't like that, or agree with it.  The only person I am required to answer to is God, and myself. 


Thank you for visiting my site, and thank you for reading about me and for getting this far.  I certainly hope that you will decide to come back and visit soon. 



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