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Cybrdroyd Recommends These Books

I have several books I'd like to recommend to my readers this week. I know a lot of people are interested in the gaming and technology topics, but I just wanted to highlight a few interesting titles I think are worth your time checking out.

The first book on my short list is by former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino. The book is entitled, "Protecting the President". Bongino joined the NYPD in 1995, and then went on to join the Secret Service. Bongino became part of the presidential detail in 2006, protecting the former president of the United States, Barack Obama. He also ran for Florida's 19th congressional district in the 2016 primary election. He also has his own successful podcast at called The Renegade Republican. Bongino is a great conservative American, and this book gives us a rare glimpse inside the life of a Secret Service Agent. The book is slated for release in September of 2017, but you can pre-order it today on Amazon. Click any of the links in this paragraph to see what others are saying about this book, and to reserve your own copy.

The next book on my short list today is written by Fox News personality Eric Bolling. The book is entitled, "The Swamp: Washington's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can Drain It". It gets into the history of Washington, D.C. and how in fact it was literally built on a swamp that had to be drained. He talks about the on-going corruption in our government, and the crony capitalism that goes on daily from the White House, to the Congress, and even the Supreme Court of the United States. The 2016 presidential election was probably one of the ugliest political seasons in American History, if not the ugliest. Although I can't imagine it getting uglier than the Civil War, but it still remains to be seen what is in store for America as this hot summer continues to get hotter. Not only in terms of actual degrees, but in political unrest at home and abroad. We live in dangerous times, and Bolling has a few recommendations for our president, which many will find interesting and informative. This book is also available on Amazon, follow the links above to buy now. Be sure to check out the customer reviews to see what others have to say about it.

The last title on our short list today is by conservative talk radio host Mark R. Levin. The book is entitled, "Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism". The book takes us back to the ideals that our founding fathers, and the warnings they gave us about the tyranny of progressive regimes, and how knowing these early American principals is the antidote to defeat these ideals that have permeated our American culture from the left. Levin is listened to by millions of conservatives nationwide, and the popularity of his radio program is a testament to his strong political views. The way to defeat the globalists in our day is to y informed, and red pill as many of the sleeping masses as we can. Reading books by known conservatives is the key to enlightening those who are being sabotaged by University professors, the liberal media, and the Democratic Party. It's important to build a strong foundation of conservative knowledge if we hope to have any chance of restoring our great republic. I invite you to click any of the links in this article to purchase these books on Amazon, or just read the reviews and see what others have to say.

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