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Megyn Kelley Starts War She Can't Finish With Alex Jones

For the past week, radio show host, and founder of the popular website have been in a non-stop war of the century. Megyn Kelly, once a popular Fox News anchor, former host of The Kelly File, now has a new show airing Sunday Nights on NBC opposite the popular news magazine show 60 Minutes on CBS. She bit off a bit more than she can chew when she made the decision to do a hit-piece on popular conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones.

The fireworks all started almost immediately after the interview was taped. It seems that the producers over at NBC cut together a segment of the interview for a promo piece, which aired nearly all week long. It shows Alex Jones talking about he thinks the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting wasn't real, and how the parents of the children who died have been harassed by radio listeners. This caused a firestorm of epic proportions as mainstream media newspapers, television networks and websites all put together hit-pieces against Alex Jones. These frothing-at-the-mouth media zombies couldn't wait to pounce on the fresh meat served by Megyn Kelley and her new interview show.

Megyn Kelley is no stranger to controversy. She was once one of the top prime-time news show hosts on cable television, second-only to Bill O'Reilley, former host of The O'reilly Factor on the same news network. Her fall from grace began during the 2016 Presidential debates, when she sought to go for the throat of Donald Trump, attacking him for his "Pussy" comments made while unknowingly being recorded inside a bus before the Miss Universe Pageant. Donald Trump quickly turned the tables on Kelley, and that's when her ratings began their steady free-fall from there on out. She left the Fox News Network shortly after the election, and has since resurfaced from obscurity on NBC. She is once again trying to make a name for herself, but she is not having an easy time of it.

One of her first interviews was with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but things didn't go as well as Kelley had hoped, as the shrewd Russian president made a complete fool of her and the lame-stream media she emulates. Her tv ratings have been less than stellar, and most certainly have to be disappointing to her network executives who had high hopes of saving the ailing television network. Television viewers have gotten wise to the antics of the mainstream media, and have gotten tired of the blatant liberal bias found on every tv news network, including Fox News, who was once a shining beacon for fair and balanced television news, with the most conservative hosts on any news network. That era is over now, as tv news is almost entirely left wing, and 97% of all news consists of negative stories on newly inaugurated President Donald Trump.

Talk radio show host, Alex Jones has enjoyed steadily increasing listenership on his radio broadcast, and his Youtube channel viewership is skyrocketing. This marks a paradigm shift in how Americans get their news. The dinosaur media giants are quivering in their boots as the new media gains in popularity. Sites like, The Drudge Report, and The Daily Caller are just a few of the new media sites set to take over the globalist media stronghold of mainstream media. It's only a matter of time before the dinosaur media has to change it's ways or be forced into oblivion as their audience shrinks by the day. Even current President Trump has expertly by-passed the mainstream media by posting news on twitter, and facebook, and broadcasting his weekly fireside chats and speeches on Youtube. The move, while absolutely brilliant, has left the mainstream media furious.

Looking forward to Sunday night's interview with Alex Jones and beyond, it remains to be seen how this all shakes out when all is said and done. My money is on Alex Jones, as he is not one to run away from a fight, and he is not taking this latest attack on his character lying down. He has faced the liars from CNN and other mainstream media networks and newspapers before, and he will rise to the challenge. They say any publicity, even negative publicity, is good publicity. I say Alex has nothing to lose and stands to gain even more recognition from television viewers who, before now, may not have heard of him, but they most certainly will after Sunday night.

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