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A Long Hiatus

I understand it has been a while since my last blog entry. Part of being a successful blogger is having freshly updated content for my readers to enjoy. I have dropped the ball here, and I take full responsibility for the lack of content. I have no excuses, but I can offer a brief explanation as to where I have been and what I am doing.

Where to begin? A lot has happened since my last entry. I have changed houses of worship. I have gone from a small group of about five to ten visitors on a good Sunday, to a church of over a thousand. That's a huge life change for me. For me, being somewhat of an introvert, it has required some major adjustment. The good thing is I have been a lot of new friends, and have access to a lot more help for many of my personal issues. Now, lets be honest, we all have them, and we all need a way of dealing with them. I just wasn't getting the help I needed in that small little bible study group. I realize many of you see Christianity, or belief in something higher than ourselves to be a crutch or a superstition. To those people I say, "That is your choice to think that, and it has no negative affect on my core beliefs. In fact it rather strengthens my core beliefs knowing that the bible says there will be scoffers." It is what works for me, and I will continue in it for life. No amount of criticism or ridicule will sway me from my beliefs. Even many Christians who have migrated to a different flavor of Christianity have sought to challenge me, I just know in my knower what is real, and what is not.

I am currently attending an online university. I am earning my Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing. I have been in attendance since June of 2016, and I still have two more years to go. That's been going well, I am in my third term currently. I am getting all of the less desirable courses out of the way early, so I can focus on the more interesting courses later on. I have taken my Humanities courses, and a couple of writing classes, American Politics and World Literature so far. Not so exciting right now, but the challenge is definitely ramping up right now.

I've spent a great deal of time focusing on the election in this past year. I felt strongly that as a country, we could not withstand four to eight more years of Obama's economics and his divisive rhetoric. I believe that is exactly what we would have gotten with Hillary. I attended a Trump rally in Worcester, Massachusetts early on in the political season, and it was there that I decided that this was the man who would become our next president. I was right. I knew that his way of thinking, his economic policies, his foreign policy, and even his tough-guy talk were what we needed in America. For too long have we allowed our enemies to walk all over us, while our response has been flacid under Obama. Our enemies are laughing at us, the most powerful country in the world has been reduced to a banana republic. Perhaps not quite yet, but it soon will be if we do not turn things around.

Since Trump's victory, there have been people rioting in the streets of America. On election night, at three in the morning, I witnessed grown-ups curled up in balls on the floor crying because Hillary lost the election. I have read about cry-ins and hug-ins on television for university students who are simply unable to cope with the loss of their candidate. There are people screaming at each other in the most shrill voices, like small children who are being dragged out of Target because they didn't get the toy they wanted. This, I believe is the product of an environment created by liberals running our school systems. Where students get dressed up in caps and gowns and receive diplomas for finishing first grade. Where young soccer players all get a trophy simply for showing up to play. We have gone from a generation of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and Gun-club cadets, to small children being allowed to live in a delusion where they can identify as whatever gender they choose, and are thrown out of school for biting a pop-tart into the shape of a gun. The mind-control of the liberal left has taken hold of our communities and has just about driven us off the intellectual cliff with the most insane, idiotic, and ridiculous ideas mankind has ever devised. Those of you that agree with me, know exactly what I am talking about. The rest of you are a part of the problem.

I realize my explanation was not so brief, but I had a lot to talk about. I plan to write more in the weeks ahead, as my schedule allows. For now though, I hope you all have a happy thanksgiving. Be sure to like and comment, it really helps.

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